the architecture of rumor / rumor of architecture

Monday, November 27, 2006


“We decided to ask Raqs and Bow-Wow to collaborate on a "Temporary Autonomous Sarai" (to create) something that was physically modest, intended to be temporary, and programmatically could function as a sarai for the exhibition.” -curator Steve Dietz, How Latitudes Become Forms: Art in a Global Age Walker Art Gallery

Migratory patterns of participation can be traced out in both the physical and virtual routes of RAQs extended collaborators creating in memory if not in one’s immediate experience, a provisional, if thematic, network map (TAZ & OPUS ) While other artists, such as Mark Lombardi, have employed the logic of conspiracy to create narrative cartographies that chart out the complexities of global networks, RAQS prefers to tease out possible correspondences from an intrigued and/or provoked audience.

While sendentary powers have long used road systems and communications networks to efficiently enforce their authority, Global capitalism, combines nomadic strategy within the complex telecommunications networks of cyberspace. The Critical Art Ensemble asks "How can a subject be critically assessed that cannot be located, examined, or even seen?”

One’s environment may be constricted along socio-economic contours which narrow and homogenize psychogeographical experience in a space. "Most believe that survival depends on managed exposure to information overload" notes theorist Tom Sherman Terrain is textual in cyberspace, but as with the 'business as usual' itineraries that move one through a city there are also subtexts, so to speak, waiting to be uncovered in the infoscape.

The Wherehouse, as RAQs describes, “constitutes an assemblage of reflections on time, memory, movement, stasis and location in a world where some people are forced to abandon home, and others can be seen as being imprisoned by their assumptions about the stability of their present location." Cartesian coordinates of x and y give way to z-axes of possibility pursued by nomadic curiosity


Blogger Jenna Rae said...

Haha. Love the audio. I guess it really does work to engage the viewer in the actual intention of these blogs. Way to tie in the audio setup with the themes of this group. I also think the layout you chose enhances the very same idea. Nice job Carl

12:11 PM  
Blogger Ty said...

Fascinating. I found myself intentionally allowing the audio tracks to play simultaneously, sometimes all tracks, sometimes two. The experience melded in and out and in/between intense, nonsensical noise and unintentional but surprisingly astute connections. A peculiar mental mapping takes place, which of course, only reinforces your content.


12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carl: "associational stuctures"? Do you mean 'links'..LOL You are quite the supercilious word smith. A smile came to my face with the simultaneous audio, as I told you in email. I hope others don't get too confused though. It was simple to hit the stop button though to listen one at a time and be serious. Your voice sounds much different recorded than in person. More so than the others. It was very fluid and I think maybe the fact that we are not sitting in front of a class talking allows some of us to come across more clearly and confidently. For me, I tend to get more nervous when recording in private and more relaxed speaking in public, a weird reversal. Anyway, nice site - everything is balanced well with images, links, biblio, etc...Jane

1:52 PM  
Blogger Stef Kofman said...

Wow! The simultaneous audio idea was very creative! I like how you scattered the images throughout the site. Everything goes together very well and your critique is very convincing too. Congrats. You found an innovative way to present interesting material. I also think you did a great job critiquing the art. Good job!

4:29 PM  

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